OMINOES - Now ready to Pre-Order and Collect at Essen.

We know - the biggest European games splurge is coming and excitement is rising. There is so much to see over the Essen Spieltage and it's easy to forget to grab that game you know you want. Well, to save you the worry of missing out on your Deluxe Edition of Ominoes we are giving you the chance to book yours now! Also it does make sure that you do get one of the few left.
All you need to do is head to our BUY page, click on the Collect at Essen offer and head to checkout. Once there enter the code ESSEN 16 and hit apply. Then choose UNITED KINGDOM as your shipping address. (Yes, I know, you'll be collecting in Germany and you might not live in the UK but this is the simplest way of doing it right for you). The total should read £25.00 and we'll have your game set aside to collect at our stand in Hall 2 2E-121.
Of course if you can't wait that long then normal shipping is available.
Happy gaming lovely people - see you in Germany.