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The YAY Games review Omnibus from Who Dares Rolls

'Infectiously enjoyable' is what Mike B concludes on his run through of three of our games.

Well, we've never had an omnibus before. It's rather nice. A whole edition of a very successful show dedicated to looking at our latest three games.

Mike looks back over the last three years to bring his unique commentary on Ominoes, Omnioes:Hieroglyphs and Snaggit. So, if you need an introduction to what YAY Games are all about then it's all here in just over 15 minutes of enthusiasm.

Click on the Hieroglyphs box below to go straight there!

If you are around at UK Games Expo then do come and say Hi - we're in Hall 1 on stand 1-343.

If you're not going then you can always get your copies of our games direct from us.


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