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UK Game Expo 2016 - We're back and bigger than ever!

Andrew Harman

From 3rd to 5th of June we from Team YAY will be in Birmingham's National Exhibition Centre for the 10th UK Games Expo. This really is a stunningly good show for anyone who likes games even just a little bit. Why? Well quite simply it's the best chance to see all the games that are out, just out or coming soon from the publishers, the designers, distributors and retailers. And it's a chance to play as many as you can in a truly family friendly environment. And with thousands of keen gamers around there'll always be someone to show you how to play - so minimum reading and MAXimum playing!

It's our 3rd visit as YAY games and we're bigger and bolder than ever. It's amazing that two years ago we were just entering the final stages of our KS for Frankenstein's Bodies. This year we're returning with 3 games. Our family 'friendly' beach bash 'Sandcastles' and our shiny new dice tactics Pharoah 'friendly' 'Ominoes'.

We'll be doing special somethings across the whole of the show. First up is the 'Sandcastles 10 minute challenge'. Quite simply the player with the highest daily score after each day will walk away victorious with the 'Seagull of Doom!' (He's actually quite affectionate and house trained unless he starts grabbing rock off the shelves - it's the sugar, you know).

And for OMINOES - well we've got 2 special things. First up is the 'Deluxe Edition' in all its glory. This comes in a tin with a special player mat and a full set of custom made dice). It's pretty special and we have a limited supply of these which we're using to raise the money to get the retail version launched. But that's a good six months away. We're already sensing quite a buzz around Ominoes with our newest game already on people's 'must see' lists. (Even The Dice Tower from USA have us on their radar!)

And we have just put the finishing touches to our special 'Ominoe' tables. We have two special 'bar height' tables just for playing 'Ominoes'.

So it's all exciting. If you are going to UK Games Expo please come along to stand B1 and play some, all or more of our games! And you can reserve copies of Ominoes to collect at Expo using our special code Expo 16 at checkout.

Of course, if you aren't heading to Expo don't worry you can still join in the fun and grab your copies of our games direct from us through the website here. It's the only place to get Ominoes 'Deluxe Edition'.

And that's it for the moment. We'll let you know how we get on at UK Games Expo and how we are doing with our ongoing mission to make the world a better place one game at a time.

Happy Gaming.

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